Starting last month, Gotcha Gotcha Games, the developer of RPG Maker, has also taken over as the publisher of RPG Maker. But don’t worry, this isn’t the end of RPG Maker for Komodo, or the community we have built together! We will still be working together with Gotcha Gotcha Games to support the community and make your RPG Maker games come to life.
Komodo will continue to publish new DLC for the current engines. Additionally, we will still handle the RPGMakerWeb branded site, forums, and social media. Finally, the Komodo Plaza (formerly Degica Shop) will remain the home for standalone, non-Steam purchases of RPG Maker and its DLC.
But, while some things will remain the same, there will of course still be changes. For future technical support for the Maker, or help with any DLC released by Gotcha Gotcha Games (the ones with the Official DLC ribbon on the banners), please contact Gotcha Gotcha Games RPG Maker support HERE. For questions or problems with Komodo Plaza sales or about DLC published by Komodo, please continue to use the RPGMakerWeb support channels.
RPG Maker continues, and we hope that we at Komodo can continue to help all of you make your dreams of making a game come true.