whtdragon has made a lot of resources. But this time, we're going to look at one that is a little less well known. Sometimes, you can't see the forest for the trees... well this time, we're just going to focus directly on those trees!
If I mention whtdragon, you would probably all think about whtdragon's animals and running horses- now with more dragons! or whtdragon's tilesets addons, fixes and more!
Both these threads are great and have a lot of amazing content, but they are very well known and I imagine most of you have already seen them.
Today, I wanna point your eyes to another thread by her, that is definitely worth a look:
Don’t let yourself be fooled by the title - the recolors are not the only thing in here!
They are very neat though. If you want to quickly grab a set of matching nature recolors, it's a good place to start. There is a full set for a magical fairy forest with matching shades and clutter for example.
But as I said, the cool recolors are not the reason this one is featured. It is the custom content you should be excited for!
Normal forests are cool, but mushroom forests are something different. Whether it is magical and beautiful or a scary place infected by mutated shrooms is up to you, but they definitely give your characters something exciting to explore! Or maybe someone shrank them and now the tiny mushrooms are giant? Who knows!
And if you like the default tree style, but just need more variations to have more exciting maps - this is where you need to look!
From small bush like tiny trees to tall or wide versions everything is covered. Since they are all edits of the default tree they match it perfectly and give you what you need to create an interesting forest map!
All these trees come with several color variations for even more variety.
And if you now think there is no more to ask for, there are even more bits and pieces in here that allow you to fill in the remaining gaps in your forest.
Given the fact that some people use a time system or consider farming an option in their game, why not have a growing tree? Whtdragon gives you a full set to easily set this up in your game. Maybe you have a quest to magically help this special tree growing? Or you just want a system like Harvest Moon and grow a tree from a seed? Whatever it is, now you can do it!
You could even consider expanding this section by adding her large and semi-large trees as step 5 and 6 in this process!
To round everything out, there are some more unique tiny trees in here:
While not all of them might fit a normal forest, I think they would be great for a fairy world, a magical forest or edited into potted plants!
So - if your game has trees in it - and we both know, it probably does - go and check these beauties out! It is totally worth it.
Two new tilesets are here to bring new environments to your game! Kokoro Reflection's Spirit of England Tileset will transport you directly to London, while ELV Games' Summerwind Saga - Fortress & Dungeon expands the Summerwind Saga style with fantastic new options!