A lot of people seem to assume that maps with the default tileset style of the maker are boring. That is by far not true, especially if you add some edits to spice them up.
And if you are looking for such edits, Vix’ thread is just what you need!
Vix has a lot of great ideas and fixed things that might have bugged you in the past as well:
For example, the default green roof seems to have different types of shingles in the front and on the sides, plus there is no matching A3 roof for those flat roofs either. You can make your own edits of course, but I know that can be difficult for some.
But Vix has got you on those!
With a total of three such sets - all front, all side (pictured above) and a wooden one (as in the example screen on top), you can go crazy when it comes to designing your village. With the same type of walls and roofs you can have a whole town look like it was made out of the same local materials, but give it a lot of variety and personality as well!
Talking about personality and a unique flair, the windows you can spot in the screen as well are of course part of the thread, and there are even more to explore!
For example there are several sets of windows and a bunch of different curtains that match it, all in every color and daytime variation you could need!
You can hang up the red ones with the golden stripe in the home of the wealthy trader, the checkered ones in the house of the granny and for the poor people’s place you might just leave them off or go with the brown ones!
Since each window has all those versions, you can mix and match the window types as you need them, having a large panorama window to go with the smaller ones for example.
Depending on the wealth and style of the residents you might also want to pick one of Vix’ wooden floors, I would for sure!
Another matter of style and taste are her amazing fireplaces:
With plenty of options, you can not only pick the one you like most, you can also decorate it and have your players interact with it by lighting a fire or putting it out, resulting in the wood to still stay smoking.
And that smoke has to go somewhere, right?
Wouldn’t it be lit if the chimneys outside matched those fireplaces?
And surely, they do!
Back outside, there is even more to see, as there are plenty of ground variations and recolors, flower autotiles and plowed dirt to plant produce, small wall autotiles, everything with a transparent background so you can mix and match it with any ground you like… but those are some things you better go and check out yourself, so you can directly save and use them!
Two new tilesets are here to bring new environments to your game! Kokoro Reflection's Spirit of England Tileset will transport you directly to London, while ELV Games' Summerwind Saga - Fortress & Dungeon expands the Summerwind Saga style with fantastic new options!