We have talked a lot about additional styles here, and our store has some excellent choices for new styles. Vexed’s Pop! Horror city for example, is a very popular and expertly designed new graphic style that you could make your game in. But what if you want… more? There are of course the addons for it in the store, but also, you can head to the forums to find some user created content!
With just a handful of tiles, it is easy to overlook mlogans thread, though you should never underestimate it. With these tiles, you can easily add more facets to the the Pop! tiles, such as a classroom and a small space station! And let’s be honest… those are exactly what a Pop! HORROR game may need!
The space set sports a friendly alien, very neat doors and some stuff to turn your ordinary room into a test facility!
And equipped with a blackboard, a whiteboard and the matching chairs and tables any room can now be a classroom!
For JackCLs Additions you'll need to do a bit more legwork, as there is no single post with all tiles so you just have to go through the whole thread to gather the goodies. But this process is worth it!
Important: These were made for RMVX Ace, so you have to downscale them to 50% and then upscale them by 300% (depending on your graphic program you need to ensure there is no blurring in that process (for example, in Photoshop, use Nearest Neighbor when resizing)) to be able to use them in MV/MZ!
Starting with the start post, we can already see what glory we are about to encounter. Not only can you get a set with everything you need to map a bathroom, it also comes with gory horror variants to craft that creepy scenario for your game! Plus you can combine this set with mlogans school tiles to make the perfect schoool bathroom.
Moving on, one of my favorite things in this set is the huge amount of signs and traffic lights to help bring visual flair and realism to your street maps!
And if we're talking about decorations for outside, there are even more amazing things to be found in here: ATMs, soda vending machines, signs, even a custom tree!
Make sure to really check the whole thread, otherwise you miss the opportunity to add a heist scenario to your game:
No matter whether you want to add a bank heist, want to make a detective game or want your party to hide in a vault room during a zombie outbreak, these tiles cover all of it.
And on the same page you can find a neat set of retro electronic devices:
As you could see by the screens in between, all of these tiles match Vexed’s pack perfectly, which is not that easy given that since edits of the pack cannot be shared they were made from scratch!
Whether adding a new gameplay feature, a new room or just some additional decoration, if your game uses the Pop! style, make sure to check these two threads out, there is definitely something waiting for you!
Two new tilesets are here to bring new environments to your game! Kokoro Reflection's Spirit of England Tileset will transport you directly to London, while ELV Games' Summerwind Saga - Fortress & Dungeon expands the Summerwind Saga style with fantastic new options!