With MZ’s 1.5.0 update we gained the ability to use smaller tiles, so let’s take a look at Indrah’s great collection of Ace tile edits we could use to give our heroes a beach vacation or creepy dungeon!
Indrah has an MV resource thread with clumped plants to give forests an even wilder feel along with door edits to make them taller so your heroes don’t hit their head walking through doorways, so if you want to stick with 48x48 pixel tiles make sure to check it out! But for this spotlight let’s focus on Indrah’s Tileset Closet, her Ace thread. Clutter is the name of the game in this thread, with tons of edits that let you turn each NPC house into a unique home, with multiple boxes, beds, and bags to choose from. Give your bookworms tons of bookcases and loose books in their room without having to repeat the same bookcase over and over. Or have the armor shop show off the different metals used with helmets colored silver, gold, and even magical greens and blues.
Indrah broke her tiles down into sets, so that if you’re looking for something specific (like wood planks) then it’s easier to find the matching tiles. Want to make a forest that’s not as bright and cheerful as Ace’s default tiles? Then grab her dark forest set! With floors that mix Ace dungeon and exterior pieces and tree and rock cliff autotiles, these tiles are perfect for creating a forest area where a thick tree canopy blocks out most of the sunlight.
Or send your heroes into a creepy cave where few adventurers survive! Piles of bones and human skulls leave little to the imagination of what happened to those unlucky adventurers. And who caused all these deaths? Maybe the large spiderwebs and strange egg sacks stuck to the ceiling and walls have something to do with it…
Gray rock edits aren’t the only thing to be found though, as Indrah has made crystal and lava rocks to help decorate special caves. And if those aren’t enough minerals for you, how about a collection of rock recolored into bright yellow, red, and green? These could help warn your players about specific enemy strengths, or could be places where they can mine for ores to craft powerful weapons and armor.
After weeks of exploring caverns and fighting monsters, your heroes deserve some time off somewhere warm and relaxing! Which is where Indrah’s ocean tiles come into play, letting you create water that slowly changes depth instead of being a sudden shift. Let your heroes frolic in the shallow water while avoiding the deeper parts, or use the sea autotiles as visual clues so your players can reach new areas that aren’t connected by land.
These are just a few of the tiles to be found in her thread. So if you’ve been wanting to add to your Ace tile maps, or just have been looking for ways to make each cave dungeon a bit more unique, check out Indrah’s Ace resource thread!
Two new tilesets are here to bring new environments to your game! Kokoro Reflection's Spirit of England Tileset will transport you directly to London, while ELV Games' Summerwind Saga - Fortress & Dungeon expands the Summerwind Saga style with fantastic new options!