New Releases: RPG Character Pack 15, Winlu Fantasy Tileset - Mushroom
February 5, 2025
January 9, 2025

New Releases: RPG Character Pack 15, Winlu Fantasy Tileset - Mushroom

New Releases: RPG Character Pack 15, Winlu Fantasy Tileset - Mushroom



February 5, 2025

Add new heroes to your game with RPG Character Pack 15! Build a new fantasy environment with Winlu Fantasy Tileset - Mushroom!

Add monstrous new heroes and villains to your game with the RPG Character Pack 15! Gee-kun-soft is at it again with a new set of MZ-style characters to fill your party and dungeons with demons and beastmen. 16 vibrant characters are ready to turn a normal fight against a succubus into a tantalizing back-and-forth that could result in a new party member, change a boring demon king into a powerful woman, and transform the orc and lizardman enemies into the heroes of their own stories!

Each character comes with walking and downed sprites, front view enemy images, facesets and busts with 8 emotions, and SV battlers, making it easy to turn any of these characters into party members, dungeon bosses, or even NPCs that eventually reveal that they’ve been pulling the strings behind the scene all along! Form a party with a blonde lady warrior who wields a scythe, a trenchcoat-wearing kobold with fluffy black fur, and a green-scaled dragon girl to stop the trio of humanoid demon girls who plan on taking over the world. Face off against an agile bunny girl who flicks her poofy black tail before smashing heads with her oversized hammer, a rogue knight cursed to be a white werewolf until he finishes his quest, and a red-headed fox spirit who uses alluring magic to trick her opponents!

This pack also includes high resolution versions of each character’s art, so you can fully show them off during their first introduction or resize the images to better fit your game’s screen size. If your game’s party has been needing some scaled and furry companions or you just want to include some cute demon girls in the villain’s army, check out the RPG Character Pack 15!

Purchase now on KOMODO Plaza or on Steam!

Add a fantastical spin to your forests and world with the Winlu Fantasy Tileset - Mushroom pack! Winlu is back with another addition to their Fantasy Tileset series, this time giving you a selection of MV/MZ-sized tiles to create maps that feel like your heroes shrank down to ants on a forest floor. A1 and A2 tiles along with 3 B sheets offer up water, grass and dirt, and cliff tiles to help you build map bases where your heroes can wander and explore before they realize the mushroom forest is known for more than just tasty morel harvests.

Create submerged stone paths through crystal clear blue water and add mystical purple pools scattered around where your heroes can restore their health and mana, and funnel your heroes in the right direction with rocky cliff faces that are studded with red shelf fungi until the party reaches a hollow tree trunk that has formed a tunnel deeper into the forest. With a quick map change you can transform the world into a magical place where blades of grass stand taller than your heroes and mushrooms loom as tall as trees! Let your heroes travel between red, blue, and orange mushrooms that line the path, and light up dark areas with bioluminescent fungi that reveal a cave entrance buried in a cliff face. This pack also includes some character sprites to add a magical glow to your mushrooms and diagonal corners to add smoother turns to your rivers and lakes. Pick up the Winlu Fantasy Tileset - Mushroom pack and fill your magical forests with giant fungi and curling tree roots!

Purchase now on KOMODO Plaza or on Steam!

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